Thursday, August 16, 2018

I have had no TV for a week.  Mine is mounted on the wall at the other house, and I haven't had any one to move it and install it here.  Tony said he would do it tomorrow.  I hope he brings the boys.  I have missed the boys.  I haven't missed the TV at all.

I found the shredder.  I haven't found the toaster.  Which is odd.  How do you lose a toaster?

The cleaning ladies came yesterday and cleaned above the top of the kitchen cabinets.  I can start my "decorating" up there now.  Which is good.  All the stuff that goes up there had been unpacked and was sitting on the dining room table.  Julia had me hand it all to her.  She put all of it on top of the cabinets--with a warning that I was absolutely not to climb up there and start arranging things.  She made me promise to wait until she came back in two weeks to help me.

I remember walking into my grandmother's house once when she was 80.  I found her standing on top of the kitchen cabinets getting her canning jars down.  I really scolded her and told her to call me when she needed something out of reach.  Her answer was: "Why?"  Now I understand.

I feel like I am at home.   Houses have never held much sentiment for me.  Places have.  But houses come and go.  I've lived in 27 of them.  Once I get my stuff in them, it becomes home.

Squig has decided he likes it here.  The back yard is huge.  He is still in the process of sniffing every inch of it.  He got a haircut yesterday--which is always traumatic for him because Jason puts him in a cage and Squig has to wait for me to  come get him.  His leg is healed.  He looks like a pirate with a peg leg because one leg is shaved and the other one is really fuzzy.

Carolyn called to tell me that her brother is horribly ill.  When we get this age, someone is always sick, in the hospital, or getting bad news.  We share each other's burdens and grief.  Our friend Judy Cameron burned her legs terribly, and was in the hospital for months.  She recovered.  It gives us all hope and reminds us that we are never to give up.  We are to pray for each other because, "The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much."  James 5:16  God is listening to us.  Waiting on us to pray.

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