Monday, August 6, 2018

It was inevitable--as tired as I am--I fell, last night,  hit my head and thought I might have broken a rib.  I picked myself up, ignored the pain, drove to the emergency room--just to be safe--because I take blood thinners and didn't think I should take a "wait and see" approach.  I told the staff that I was being cautious and they kept saying that I had done the right thing to come in.  All is well.  I am bruised and battered but fine.  And very sore.  So today I will be slow.  But determined.

Which is a good thing since I am in the final "rush to the finish" to get moved.  I've been lining shelves all day.  And my lovely neighbor Jeannine has been cleaning the cabinets.  I finished the pantry completely and everything is moved in there.  It is satisfying to have finished something about which I can say that it's done.  Done.  It's a lovely word.

 Squig is upset about the entire process.  He can't figure out where to lie down.  He knows something isn't right.  I cross the street dozens of times a day with my arms full of junk, and usually take him with me--but he isn't happy.  So then I leave him at home, and he isn't happy there either.  He is very stressed.  But then, so am I right now.

Amy (grand-daughter) came Sunday to go to church with me, and she stayed and moved pictures and greenery.  I had no idea how many pots of greenery I had--over twenty vases and pots.  I kept buying stuff at garage sales and sticking it on end tables, etc.  It is excessive.

Every time I take something out of a box, I've been asking myself, "Why do you have this?  Do you ever use it?  Do you really think you ever will?"  And I have filled a box full of things to go to the thrift store.  I am forcing myself to do this every time I unwrap something.  It is cathartic.  I should have done this years ago.  But they are wonderful things.  Wonderful and useless to me.  I don't need the cookware I used to use to feed a family of six.  There is only one of me.

Here is my advice for the day.  Don't move unless you have to.  If you have to move, get rid of everything you can before you move.  There are charities that will come and pick it up.  God gave us everything we have, but when we don't need it any more, we can bless someone else with it.

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