Thursday, August 9, 2018

There is a place in Edmond that has fried oyster nachos on Wednesdays for $6.00.  They are to die for.  Craig and Becky got me started on them.  And their crab bisque is unbelievable.  Last time I had decent bisque was in the Boston airport waiting on a plane.  It was so good I never forgot the experience.  But this is as good or better.  Fish City Grill.  Last week Jeanette and I had crab and shrimp stuffed flounder.  I can't even describe it--I would fail.  It was extraordinary.

So anyway, Jeanette and I went yesterday and did the whole shebang again.  Oysters and bisque.  It was delicious.  I was so perked up I came home and stained the bathroom cabinets, and unpacked three huge boxes of kitchen stuff and put it in the cabinets I had lined with paper.  I'm starting to feel like this is going to be home.

Houses don't mean much to me.  I've lived in dozens of them.  The thing that makes a home is getting your stuff and your family in it.  Once the kitchen is set up and you have your bathroom stocked with all the things you use every day, you're home.  But I don't have kids or a husband anymore.  It's just Squig and me.

And Squig caught a mouse in the garage, so he now feels like he is at home.  He has a job to do.  He was so proud of himself that he brought it into the living room to show it to me.  I'm sure that isn't the last one because I left the door from the house to the garage open--to make it easier to unload stuff and bring it in.  He will be very happy if there are more mice.

Becky's dog Max used to catch locusts.  He would snatch them out of the air or catch them when they landed.  Locust time was his best time of the year.  My last dog, Bo, would catch a mouse on the run. Schnauzers are great at catching moving things.  And digging up moles.

God gave us dogs because we needed a companion.  I think God must have made mice specifically for dogs to catch--because Schnauzers need a job to do to feel needed.  Squig is very puffed up and proud of himself.  I just wish he had dropped it on the tile floor instead of on the living room carpet.

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