Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Small problems are magnified when things are confused.  Which things are right now.  Confused.  I found the toaster and the oil cruet.  But I sat on my glasses.  Broke them.  I don't have an extra pair.

I am 20/20 for distance driving, etc.  But I can't see up close.  So I took a much needed break from what I am doing in this house and went to the Optometrist.  They gave me a set of readers--so that problem is temporarily solved.  But nobody can see me for a week to prescribe new glasses.  No openings.  Oh well.  The TV still isn't hooked up anyway.

Second mishap.  I was trying to organize my keys, and put all of them next to my chair to sort out later.  Then, I went to get some drawer dividers for the kitchen at Bed, Bath and Beyond.  Since I went through the garage and used the garage door opener, I didn't need a key.  Except the door locked behind me somehow--and I was locked out with no key.  All the neighbors got involved and eventually removed the door handle.  Luckily it wasn't the dead bolt that was locked.  Squig was inside the house and barked continuously.  Of course.

On the bright side, I feel great.  Haven't been sick with anything at all in five or six months.  Not even a sniffle.  Praise God.  Except for taking a fall two weeks ago--but that wasn't fatal.  I was sore for a few days and a little purple.  Well....a lot purple.  But I have always loved lilac.  Purple is close.

I am anxious for Becky Bacon to get here.  The furniture is finally where I want it.  I'm ready to hang pictures in two rooms.  After I figure what goes where in those two rooms, I'll sort through what is left.  I have more pictures than walls.  That comes with four children, ten grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and two more on the way. I don't hang those in the living areas.  I put those in the bedrooms.  And then there is my "Wedding Wall."  I have a picture wall for every wedding this family has ever had--including my parents and aunts and uncles, sister and brother.  It's a bunch.

I bet none of you ever locked yourself out of your house.  I bet none of you ever sat on your glasses.

I bet all of you out there live in total calm and peace without a ripple.

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