Friday, August 17, 2018

I am cleaning out all the unidentifiable items in my freezer.  Each day I open one of those see-through containers--I can see through them, but who can possibly identify what is in them.  Surprise every day.  Today it was something cheese mixed with either chicken or tuna.  I ate two bites and threw the rest out.  There are only about 20 or so of those containers to go.  Yum.

Luckily my neighbors, Jeanine and Linda, keep bringing me food.   I've got to stop freezing things that are left over.  I need to either eat them that day or the next, then throw out what's left.  I seldom freeze what Jeanine and Linda bring over, I eat it all.  It's what I cook that I have too much of.  I haven't yet mastered the talent of cooking for one person.

I can't fault those people in the desert with Moses when they complained about the manna and the quail (?).  Manna for breakfast, manna for lunch, manna for supper.  I'm sure I would have been complaining as well.  I guess they forgot how hungry they had been when God "came through"   for them and provided manna.  Pizza, fried chicken, steak and baked potatoes--I guess if you had to eat the same thing three times a day for weeks on end, anything would have become monotonous.   Except fried chicken, Mexican or Chinese food.

Sally sold her house in Hattisburg, Mississippi, and is moving back to Pryor.  I am happy for her.  She misses her friends and her friends miss her.  She is a beautician-supremo.   When she gives you a pedicure, your feet look like a baby's bum.  She soaks your feet in steaming hot water, and then starts scrubbing.  You lose ten or fifteen pounds in the process.

I still haven't found the toaster.   Or the cruet filled with canola oil.

I've got all the china put back in the buffet--I'm starting on the depression glass in the dining room tomorrow.  I've got it all unpacked.  As a matter of fact, everything except books, pictures, blankets, pillows and bedspreads are unpacked.  If I unpack those things, I will have to make the other two beds.  It can wait.  "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Matthew 6:34

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