Thursday, August 2, 2018

Lowe's called and are delivering the dishwasher, oven, cooktop, microwave and other stuff.  Supposedly in 30 minutes.  But you know how that goes.

I can't get them installed until Monday.  That's okay.  Next week I'm going to be finishing up with odds and ends.  I don't have a clue what those odds and ends will be.

I went to Braum's Ice Cream store, and got a couple of kinds of ice cream--and cones--and took it over to the boys.  You would have thought I had given them the moon.  Their dad had them cutting in the paint edges, while he is rolling it on the walls.  (I picked the wrong color.  I'll live with it.)

I've made a couple of mistakes, but none quite so big as that one.  Oh well.

I packed all the napkins, didn't know which box they were in, and had to go get some.

I've purchased and returned faucets and towel rings and towel bars four times.  I can't seem to get it right.  Lowe's is patient with me.  So is Home Depot.  The hardest thing to decide on is drawer pulls.  The ones that I can get my hand through aren't "pretty."

I'm to the point of idiocy over my pickiness.  I keep saying, "It's just drawer pulls, Janie.  What is your problem."  And I have started talking out loud to myself, saying, "I don't know what is the matter with me."  I was driving along yesterday talking out loud to myself and thought:  This is getting ridiculous.  I was saying, "There are starving children all over the world, and you are worrying about drawer pulls.  Get yourself into perspective, Janie.  Get a grip."

I'll be glad when this is over.  I just want to get moved.  I want to be moved yesterday.

Scott called.  He is coming Saturday to help Jon and Blake with boxes.  He's bringing a pickup.  Thank God for the men in my family.  They are absolutely wonderful.

Thank God for everything.      

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