Friday, August 31, 2018

Big day yesterday.  Tony got my car fixed.  He hooked it up to a diagnostic thing-of-a-majig to check it.  The "institution" that fixed it didn't connect 6 different things when they worked on it. didn't run.  Tony called them and said he was calling for his grandmother (He always calls me his grandmother) and explained how lousy the work was that they did--and he took pictures of all the things they forgot to reconnect.  He said that he expected a refund for me.  They said they agreed and will send me a check.

If you don't have a man in your life, find a Tony.  His wife, Amanda drove him down to the car shop to check my car. They are wonderful.

My door inserts are in.  My light and fan switches are calibrated to run simultaneously.  My vent hood is in and looks like it has been there since the house was built.  And Tony and Amanda hung four heavy, very heavy pictures for me.  Life is good.  I can hang the small ones.

I tried to hang one of the large ones and tripped and fell--hit the swivel table going down, which was good because it allowed me to rotate before the huge picture came crashing down on me.  By swiveling, I was able to turn the glass side of the picture up (!!!) so that the back of the picture--plywood from 70 years ago-- hit my head, and not the glass.  Plywood and frame crumbled, but I ended up in one piece.  Kinda.  I'm sore.  That's when I decided to let Tony hang the big pictures.

It is starting to look like a home.

Tony bought me a small auto screwdriver and I have been putting drawer pulls on all the kitchen drawers.  I feel empowered.  I have put seven on and have four to go.  I am not entirely helpless.

Squig, on the other hand has been traumatized.  It was raining and thundering through all the time Tony was working, and his nail gun was very loud.  Squig shook uncontrollably through it all.  I felt so sorry for him.  It was loud (nail gun) in the house, and loud (thunder) out of the house.  After everyone left, and the storm ceased, Squig fell into a stress induced sleep and didn't wake up for hours.  He was exhausted.  I was, too.  Today, I am doing nothing.

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