Wednesday, August 8, 2018

My second piece of advice is:  Don't fall.  You will be so sore you can't move by the next day.  I had to get down on the floor to line the bottom cabinets with paper yesterday, and getting back up was a problem.  Pain.  And more pain.  But three more bottom cabinets and I'm done.

And on this eighth day of August, an unfamiliar thing has happened.  It is pouring down rain.  Thunder, lightening and frog strangling rain.  It has been so hot--above 100 almost every day--that the odds of it raining were zero.  But God took mercy on us.  It is wet and cool outside.

Carolyn calls almost every day to tell me how wonderful I am.  And she doesn't pass out meaningless compliments.  "You are 80 years old and doing a difficult thing--and you are getting it done.  You are almost there.  It will be over soon."  She knows how much I need encouragement about now.  My mind is willing, but my body is shot.  It is maddening.  I have things to do and my body won't do them.  My body betrays me.

Jeanette is going with me to lunch at noon.  That gives me incentive to get over to the other house and finish the cabinets.  I refinished the fronts with walnut stain yesterday.  All of them.  They were scratched everywhere.  When I finished, they looked brand new.  Walnut.  My favorite wood.  It is so forgiving.  I will stain the bathroom cabinets this afternoon.

I don't have time to write, I've got to get going.  I have today and tomorrow to finish up.  The movers come to move the furniture on Friday.  Praise God, Jeanette drew paper models to scale to show where everything goes, so I can sit in a chair on Friday and direct traffic.

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