Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Maybe, in the middle of all my chaos, I should quit talking about my moving foibles, and start talking about the Bible once again.  We have one more lesson in II Samuel, and we are done.  Hallelujah.  I am not very good at teaching history.  Even though the study about David was interesting.  His relationship with his sons was sad.  However, David always turned to God, and worshiped Him.

We are going to study the book of Galatians.  And then the book of James.  The book of Galatians was written by Paul to a group of people that were in need of a major butt-chewing--excuse my French.

This group of people had what the Bible calls "Itching Ears."  It is a malady very common in the world today.  People are moved by the latest orator, who spouts the latest way to heaven.  The latest way to get rich by naming and claiming it.  The latest revised truth about God and what you need to do to get whatever you want from Him.  My favorite:  God wants you to be rich.  It is, "The gospel of the week."  Prosperity as a goal, and an attainable goal if you will "send me your money."

Jews had come to Galatia--to a church that Paul had founded--and said that Paul was not an apostle, and that he had not taught them the"real' truth.  They explained that you basically had to become a Jew before you could be a Christian.  Circumcision was required.  And the laws of the Jews upheld.  Paul was disgusted that these people had turned away from the gospel so easily.

There is nothing wrong with Jewish law, but the thing that saves you is Christ.  Christ alone.  So Paul was trying to heal the damage that the "Judaizers" had done.  They were preaching Christ, plus works.  There are many churches today that teach the same thing.

As for apostleship, Paul reiterated the fact that he had met Jesus on the road to Damascus, and that Jesus himself had commissioned Paul as an apostle--a truth teller.  Someone who preaches the true gospel about Jesus Christ.  I personally believe that Paul was the twelfth disciple.  Not Matthias--the person that Peter had espoused.  Chosen before Pentacost.  Before the Holy Spirit came.  I think Peter got antsy waiting on the Holy Spirit and decided they needed to replace Judas--so he did it.

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