Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I got my hopes up too soon.  My gardner went back to work full time for the woman he had been helping.  He wasn't happy about it, but he rents one of her houses, and he was afraid she would cancel his lease.  I don't blame him, but I am super disappointed.  I had visions of a garden in the spring.  Maybe it will still happen???  He said he will try to come on Saturday.  I hope so.

However, Tony showed up.  I can always count on Tony.  He is going to finish the vent over my stove and do some electrical work.  And charge the battery on my car.  When you don't have a husband, you have to learn about cars.  I don't want to know about cars.  I don't want to fix them, or wash them, or put gas in them.  But....when you don't have a person to do those things, you have to learn.

Three years ago, I made drapes for one of the bedrooms in my house.  (The one I just sold.)  I never hung them, I just kept thinking I would do it "next week."  Well, today, I got them out, (they match the bedspread in the guest room) and put them up in my new home.  I guess I was motivated to finish what I started--to finish all the details in the guest bedroom.  I was amazed to find that I had even pleated the drape tops.  All they needed were hooks in the pleats.  Which I was able to find (hooks) and pin them.  I hung them and they look amazing!  I don't know cars, but I do know how to sew.

Who knew that something that I did three years ago would be such a blessing today.

I love my new flat driveway.  But I am finding that having a two car garage is not nearly as handy as my three car garage was.  I guess I got spoiled with all that space.  But the nice thing is:  I don't have anywhere to collect junk.  I am much more organized.  Extra space is like a magnet for junk.

Today is going to be busy, and in the middle of it, I have to go to the dentist to get a filling in one of my teeth.  I don't mind going to the dentist, but I hate losing the time.  I would rather be doing something that needs doing here.  And there is plenty to do here.

I will get new inserts in my back door later today.  They now have venetian blinds that clatter and bang around on the door every time I open it. The new inserts will have the blinds inside the glass.  Whoever invented that was brilliant.  I need to invent something brilliant to pay for all this.

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