Monday, August 13, 2018

The day the movers came, I crossed back and forth across the street so many times that the soles of my shoes cracked in six or seven places.  And finally a big chunk fell out of the middle of one of them.  I threw them in the trash and wandered around barefooted.

I still have stuff to move.  I have till today to get out.  My grandson David said for me not to worry about it, he will bring whatever is left over to my new house.  I do not understand how one old woman can have so much junk.  Christmas stuff, every medication for any ailment you might have, soap and cleaning products up the wazoo.  A cleaning agent for any kind of dirt or stain that could possibly occur.  And on and's incredible.  I'm embarrassed.

Half of it I didn't even know I had.  Some of it I threw out.  There were six cans of spray starch that my lady in Pryor (Leota, who worked for us for thirty five years because I was so damaged after heart surgery I couldn't do much.  She stayed because she loved us till she was almost 90.  Everyone else let her go because she couldn't do very much.   She was trying to live on social security.  I didn't have the heart to let her go.  She was like family.)  Leota wanted to starch Ken's shirts, so I bought six cans of spray starch for her--which she never got to use.  Ken was a Marine and thought every shirt needed to be starched.  I will never use any of it.  If you can't wash it and wear it, I don't want it.

God has been so good to me.  I prayed my health would last for the month of August while I moved.  I usually get a sinus infection.  But I didn't.  I felt great except for exhaustion.  But that comes with the territory of moving.  I haven't even had a sniffle.

The hardest thing I have to learn to live with in this house, is that I have slept on the right side of the bed all of my life.  But the bathroom is on the left side of the bed.  And when I wake up in the night, I have to figure out where I am.  Last night I gave up and moved back to the right side.

I guess I should say that wondering "where I am" is in the hands of God, and the rest of it I will have to figure out.  Which I will.  I have found everything except the flour, sugar, and cornmeal.  I won't be making cornbread for awhile.

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