Friday, August 24, 2018

So if Satan, Evil Eye Fleegle, put the "double whammy" on you, you were now in his power.  What better place to start doing that than in the church.  If you can confuse a Christian, you can render him powerless in the business of soul winning.  You will destroy his witness to others.

It is our total confidence in the words of Jesus that allows us to speak to others with authority.  He came.  He lived.  He died.  He rose from the grave to forever make intercession for us to a holy God--who should punish us for the sins that we have done.  But Christ died for us.  Christ took our sin upon himself and said, "Holy Father, it is finished."

(1)  If keeping the law would have saved us, there was no point in Jesus's death.  (2) If sin that we commit after we become a Christian would condemn us--what was the point of Christ's life, death and resurrection.  The Jews had that kind of religion before Jesus came.  Once a year you could sacrifice a lamb for sin committed that year.  Who needs Jesus if you believe either one of those things?!!

But the secret to the resurrection is that once we were declared clean by Christ, he returned to earth to take up habitation in our bodies.  We become the temple of God.  And God, becomes our inner guide to behavior.  We are struck by guilt when we displease Him.  We have unexplainable peace when we please him.  It's a win/win deal.  You give yourself to Christ and God gives Christ to you.  We become heirs.  Joint heirs with Christ.  Children of a Holy God.  Part of the Kingdom of God.  "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done," becomes our mantra.  We sincerely want what God wants.  "Christ in you, the hope of glory."

God explained this to his people way back when God spoke through prophets.  He said, "I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new Spirit within you.  I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a new, tender, responsive heart.  Ezekial 36:26 

As a Christian, you are Spirit led.  You want to please God--you love Him.  You truly don't want to do wrong and disappoint him.  Who can explain such a thing to someone who does not have his Spirit?  All I know is: "I'll never go back, I've closed the door..."  I want whatever God wants.  For me.  For my children.  For the people I know.  I want them to become children of a Holy God.

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