Monday, August 20, 2018

I thought I had arranged everything in the family room every way it could be arranged.  But Becky came over and changed everything.  She moved the furniture into a plan I never would have thought of, and I like it a lot.  She spends days and days arranging estate sale furniture to it's optimal position, and has a knack for visualizing everything in her head.  I have to have paper cutouts to scale.

Craig and David carried the TV over last night and said it weighed a ton.  Tony will install the TV today, and I'll find out what has been happening in the world.  I probably don't want to know.

The granite man came to put the plates back over the outlets, and the screws weren't long enough.  It has been the little things like that going wrong that has driven me nuts.  I'm lucky I haven't electrocuted myself plugging into open outlets.  I'm going to write a book:  "The Anatomy of a Move."

I never got all my stuff out of my old house.  I thought I had packed everything, but David and his wife Jennifer keep bringing stuff over.  I must have been sleepwalking those last few days to have missed so many things.

And Jeanine and Dean, my next door neighbors, have been awesome.  Jeanine cleaned cabinets so I could line them with paper, while Dean broke down boxes for the trash men and swept up afterwards.

John Kerley, the next door neighbor that is my realtor, came over and put a tennis ball in my garage, hung from the ceiling, so I would know where to stop my car when I put it in the garage.  His wife Linda brought me sandwiches every day.

These four people are the neighbors that I would never move away from in a million years.  God just gave me a better place to live (with a nice flat driveway) without having to leave them.  They are so good to me.  God's blessings.  Like I have said before, God plopped me right down in the middle of heaven.

I spoke too soon.  Still no TV.

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