Friday, August 10, 2018

Tonight, I will sleep in my bed in my new house.  And I will be able to kick back and do nothing if that is what I want to do for the next few weeks.  Yes, there are boxes to unpack, but nothing I need right now.  I can unpack most of them at my leisure.

The kitchen is put together.  The pantry is stocked.  And makeup, lotions, etc. are in the bathroom.  All I can say is "Hallelujah."  I can make it for weeks before I have to do anything else.

Tony didn't have time to tear into the master bath, he'll come back in six weeks or so.  But, sadly, the boys won't be with him.  School starts before then.  I will miss the boys.  They were a wonderful relief in the middle of my chaos.

Becky Bacon will be here in two weeks or so.  She and Ann, Jeanette, Jeannine and I will hang pictures.  That will be fun.  And then I'll take everyone to Hide-away Pizza.  Best pizza in the state.

I haven't been to teacher's meeting on Wednesday nights for six weeks.  I had nothing left in me every day by four or five o'clock.  Pooped, beat, sore feet, backache and every other kind of ache.  I told the director I'd be back by the middle of August.

We've been studying the last years of King David.  His life was sad at the end.  Actually, his life was sad for almost all of it--after he messed up with Bathsheba.  That sin cost him for the rest of his life.  The repercussions went on and on.  The fallout was terrible.  That's what happens when you don't live according to the plan of God.  There are consequences for what you have done even though God forgives you after you repent.  I'll be glad to get to the life of Solomon.

It is supposed to rain again next week for four days running.  This is a strange August.  I'm certainly not complaining.

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