The ocean-bed scan of the Gulf of Mexico, revealed a crater with high walls. Walls that had been thrown up by the asteroid impact—walls containing animal remains that lived back at that time. But the most interesting part for me was the report of a sulfur compound that occurred as a result of the impact, creating a fire that burned all through the skies for a lengthy amount of time, and covered the atmosphere of the entire earth--obliterating the sun. Killing life on earth. All at once. The asteroid hit, plant life and the dinosaurs died at the same time. The earth was darkened.
Subsequent discoveries have authenticated that event. The entire earth was shaken, the burning sulfuric atmosphere blotted out the sun, and sixty six million years ago almost everything that was on land died.
“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep…” Finally, we know scientifically how it got that way. The Biblical account is validated.
Eventually, the fire and residue in the atmosphere burned out, the debris settled, and the sun shone through again--that sun that was already there in the heavens. God didn’t have to “recreate” it. The sun had been created in the first verse in Genesis. “…God created the heavens…” That light, the sun, had allowed plant life to grow in the dinosauric ages. And that same sun allowed the food chain to flourish--from those animals that ate plants all the way up to the largest animals who were carnivores.