Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Denominations are funny things.  We are all Christians, but we differ over so many things.  You would think we could all agree.  But no.  We can't.

The disciples had the same problems.  Some thought you had to become a Jew first--since the Messiah was promised to the Jews.  The apostle James, and other Jewish Christians, had a problem with Paul's claim that Jesus came for everyone.  They had been Jewish from birth, special, and couldn't give it up.

Some of the apostles thought that meat sacrificed to idols couldn't be consumed.  God basically told them, "Don't ask.  If it is offered and you don't know where it came from, then eat it."

Peter didn't want to witness to Gentiles.  God finally had to give Peter a dream to show him that the Gentiles were to be included.  Without discrimination.   All of the Jews believed they were elite.  And they were--until Jesus came and died for all of us.  Up till then, the Jews were the people of God.  And they wanted to keep Jesus in the family.  The Jewish family.  God said, "No."

Paul was the great agitator.  He stirred the pot--which made many of the followers of Jesus uncomfortable.  Paul preached inclusion of every person who repented and believed in the resurrection of Jesus.  Everyone who asked Jesus to come into their lives and change them.

So, what are we denominations to do.  We differ over some important points.  Whether you should baptize babies and call them "Saved."  Whether baptism even saves you or not.  Whether we should have printed prayers.  Rituals, etc. 
But some things are sacrosanct, Jesus came to be a sacrifice for our sins, he died in our place, and he arose from the grave to intercede in our behalf.  When you give Him your life, He enters, and guides your behavior.  The Holy Spirit.  

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