Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May.  What happened to April !!!  I still haven't planted okra.  God is doing His job, I'm just not getting mine done.  We have had rain up the Wahzoo.  I have planted over 30 other plants myself.  Just not okra.  My bad.  I'll do it.

Yesterday, I asked my friend Jeanette a question.  "If you knew someone needed help, but they hadn't made any effort to help themselves, would you help them?"

Her immediate answer was, "Yes."  She's a better person than I am.

"Well," I told her, "That someone is me.  I have dozens of pictures, framed, in the guest bedroom, lying on the bed, that I don't know what to do with.  They have been there since I moved and I go in and look at the mess, become discouraged and leave it all there--undone.  

I don't want to hang them for the most part, I want my four kids (grown adults) to take them.  I want to put most of them in four boxes and let them decide what to do.  When you have four children, ten grandchildren and six great grandchildren, you end up with a zillion pictures of every age of each of them.

I want my wedding wall up.  All of their wedding pictures and that's it.  And I don't even have a wall for that.  This house has more windows, fewer walls.

I bet you have similar problems with some stuff in your house.  Something you don't want to deal with??  Life, over its entirety, leaves you with stuff you don't know what to do with.  Nobody wants your stuff.  Why do we collect it?

I got my pink butter dish lid in the mail.  It makes me smile.

Jeanette is going to come help me.  Thank God for friends.

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