Friday, May 24, 2019

My friend Jeanette came over and brought Squig some brown rice and Squig said, "I've been about to starve.  Why did it take you so long to get here?"  And ate the brown rice and asked for more.

Go figure.  His nose was turned up at canned food, dry dog food--which he has eaten all of his life--and baked chicken breast!!  He was waiting on Jeanette to come feed  him--it's the only thing I can figure out.  When she comes over she pets him the entire time.  Maybe he was just tired of me coaxing him to eat.  Who knows the mind of a dog.  Any way, the crisis seems to be over.

I've been reading the letters of Paul again.  I started with the first letter to the Corinthians, and have worked my way through to Hebrews--which no one knows who wrote.  I am amazed how many verses were permanently in my head.  I would come across a memorized verse and it was like finding an old friend.

I can't seem to memorize very well any more.  I think my brain is full of stuff that is no longer relevant and I've run out of space?  Things I want to remember don't seem to know where to go.  Short term memory, or permanent?  If I could clear stuff out of my permanent memory that is no longer useful, I would have more room for new stuff.

Stuff like using the shift bar on a manual typewriter.  And loading a reel to reel tape recorder.  And a million other things.  Four on the floor. etc.  My hand occasionally has a mind of its own as it reaches to do something like a typewriter shift to the next line, or put the car in second gear.

The only thing I wish I could remember at this point is the "addresses" of those scriptures I found.  But thank God for Google.  The scripture is memorized in my head and Google knows the address so I can usually find what I want to use.  That works.  The biggest problem with memory is finding where I left my phone.

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