Thursday, May 2, 2019

Someday, we are going to meet God--some of us sooner than others.  And we are going to have to give an account of our lives.  What we did with the opportunities that He gave us.  

We will have to answer about the people He sent our way--and if we didn't tell them what Christ means to us--why not?  Why didn't we tell them?  

About how we have have been changed since Christ came into our lives? The decision that marks us as one of His children.  Can people tell we are His?

And if there is no change, then how in the world can we assume that the Holy Spirit is living within us.  His Spirit changes how we live, how we think, and what we do with our time.  That's how we "Know."

His Spirit is the "earnest" (down-payment) of our inheritance in Jesus Christ.  Ephesians 1:14. It is what lets us know that we are His--because our desire is to please him and to do his work.

If you don't have a conviction to do His will, and share with others, you probably should check yourself.  There comes a point in your life, after you realize that you can't work yourself into heaven, when you realize that Christ made a down-payment for your salvation.  You have a choice to make.  Give your life to him.  Or not.  Repent.  Or not.

Someone once asked the question:  If you went to trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

I hope everyone who knows me, or meets me, can tell who I belong to.

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