Thursday, May 16, 2019

If you are like me, you like to help people.  The only thing I don't much care to do is watch babies.  When they get to be four or five, I'm good.  But I've never been a "baby" kind of helper.  Which I know, isn't the norm for most women.  They love the goo-goo stage.  I like them up and doing stuff.

Other kinds of help, however, I'm into.  Helping people is easy if you know "what" to do.  The problem is knowing what they need.  My next door neighbors are sent to me by God I do believe.  Every few days they ask me if I need anything.  Or, can they help me.  They take the garbage to the street every week.  They bring me something to eat at least three times a week.  One of them popped in to check an electrical outlet yesterday.  One of them set mousetraps until we got all of the little critters.  They never stop asking me what I need for them to do.  At my age, this is the most wonderful blessing.

Yesterday, Jeanette, Jamie, her granddaughter Katie, and I met at a friend's new house and helped her get stuff organized.  She was overwhelmed.  Boxes were everywhere, some open, some empty, some stacked on top of each other and overflowing.  And she was exhausted and overwhelmed.

We broke boxes down, hung pictures, swept floors, arranged pretty stuff on top of the kitchen cabinets, moved furniture, and generally stayed busy for the afternoon.  It was a lot of fun.  And it felt good to do something that needed to be done.  And know that it was absolutely needed and appreciated.

We'll probably go back next week to finish the job.  At least to the point that our friend can see light at the end of the tunnel.  Having just moved, I knew what she needed to be done first.  That helped. We left with a good feeling that we had all been useful.

Christian people need to find a way to help others.  And you don't have to watch babies.  I give myself a pass on that!  I'd rather sweep floors.

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