Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Squig isn't eating.  Period.  The canned meat the vet gave him is untouched.  So  they gave him some scientific dry food--and he won't eat that either.

He picked the dry food pebbles out of his bowl, carried them into the family room and deposited each pebble on the carpet.  "This stuff tastes terrible."  That's what he was telling me in doggie language.

At least he feels well enough to let me know he hates the food the vet gave him.  He likes "Blue" dog food.  No cheap stuff.  And the vet food is twice as expensive as the "Blue."

Squig has a mind of his own.  And I've been saying that he isn't very smart because he won't fetch.  Guess he told me.  Probably wonders why I keep throwing his toy and saying,"Fetch."  He will go get it----he just won't return it to me.  He probably thinks I'm the one who is stupid.

I don't know how long he can not eat.  I'm going to call the vet later today if he hasn't eaten anything, and ask what to do.  She said I could give him baked chicken breast.  I'll try that first.  He just can't have fat.  Something to do with the pancreas.  He only weighs 12 pounds so he can't lose weight!

My friend Kathy (Pryor-Kathy) called to check on him.  She's a nut case about her dog as well.  Her solution was to get a second dog--Boo.  Now she is a nut case over two dogs.  I've thought about doing that as well, but I would end up being a double nut case as well.  

I have never understood why whales can live over a hundred years, and a dog's span is so short--twelve or thirteen years--when it is obvious that God created dogs for human beings to love.  And vice versa.  Dogs, and humans.  A dog is absolutely man's best friend.  Woman's as well. 

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