Monday, May 6, 2019

Ever wonder why people join a certain church?  Sometimes it's because you were raised a certain way.  Sometimes because you get married and the two of you settle on the best compromise.  Sometimes it's because someone invited you.  Sometimes it's because your children went there to Bible School and you liked the way they offered Children's programs.  (A huge percentage of my church's donations go to the children's classes and programs.)  Sometimes it's because of the music, or the preacher.

Whatever.  On occasion, I get asked why I am a Baptist.  I was raised in that church, but as I have grown older; there are two or three main reasons I stay.  

First, I believe in missions--sending people to places where people have never heard the gospel.  And I think it is a waste of time and resources to have people come home from overseas and "stump" for money when they could be doing something useful where they are overseas. Southern Baptists, nationwide, pay their salaries--based on the exchange rate where they are sent.  They don't have to raise funds.  It's called the Cooperative Program. A percentage of what people give at the local church goes to fund missionaries.  I like that practice.

Second, every church decides how it will run it's local church.  We vote on almost everything.  Committees (people that we elect) bring recommendations, we discuss them, make changes--or not--then vote.  We don't have someone telling us how to allocate funds.  We call our own pastors, and vote to hire them, or not.  We all have a say in how funds are allocated. 

Third, Baptists believe in your ability to read.  We are called "People of the Book."  Everyone has a Bible and reads it.  We discuss the details in small groups.  Nobody tells you what you have to believe--the Bible is clear enough that you can figure it out. Is it a perfect denomination?  No.  I am sometimes amazed at the dumb things we do.  But at least I can be heard when I think something should be changed.  Everyone has a voice.  The main objective is to give the plan of salvation to others.  The plan the Bible describes. 

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