Thursday, May 30, 2019

My air conditioner quit.  I figured I was going to have to replace it, but my air conditioner guy, "Fred," came out, spent an hour on it, and Wa-lah! It was working agin.  He wouldn't give me a bill because he said he didn't do anything. I wasn't going to let that happen.  I gave him and his partner cash.  They didn't want to take it, but I told him I wouldn't call him next time if he didn't take the money.  He finally agreed. (The Bible says the workman is worthy of his hire.)

So since they were such a blessing to me, I told them that I was going to bless them.  I, asked them if they were Christian men.  They said yes.  (No surprise since they were so nice to come help me within an hour of when I called them and then didn't want to charge me).  I had them come into the family room and I played hymns for them on my BIG marimba.  ( I don't travel with it because it is so large and hard to break down.)

They loved it.  And when I finished, one of them asked me if I knew this Willie Nelson song.  I didn't, but he broke out his phone and played a line or two.  He said it was his favorite song.  It was "I'll Fly Away."  I had never played it, but I knew the tune, gave it a go, didn't make any mistakes.  He was happy.

I always try to play for the workmen that come to the house.  They always ask me to play more.  It's a blessing for me to be able to play.  It has been sixty-seven years since I took lessons, and I never stopped.  Who would have known that it would have lasted that long.

I have a small marimba in the trunk of my car--in seven pieces.  And when I go with the choir to sing for retirement centers, etc., all the guys in the choir bring a piece of the marimba in from the trunk of my car, and I put it together.  A couple of times in the program I'll play.  When we are done, I break it down, and they carry it out.  I don't know if I could keep it up if I didn't have help.  It's not easy to transport like a guitar or a horn.  To God be the glory.

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