Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Done.  Now I have to enter the revisions into the computer and return them to the publisher.  Any mistakes after that will be found by the public.  You.  If I revise 50 pages a day, I can have it done in seven days.  This is hard.

I just finished reading John Dwyer's book, "The War Between the States."  He is a historian and an awesome author.  A professor of history and ethics.  All my life I have been taught that it was over slavery.  But for the first time, someone has explained all the events leading up to the war.

It is fascinating.  The underlying cause was tariffs.  The North had enough votes to enact all laws because those states outnumbered the Southern States.  The tariffs on the South weren't used there.  They went to the upkeep of roads, ports, etc. in the North.  That's where it started.

Every speech, every law, every detail leading up to secession was explained.  But it was written in an interesting way for the reader.  I didn't know that numerous Northern states had threatened succession over issues they didn't like.  Such as admitting Texas, the Louisiana Purchase, etc.  There was no law against it.

I met John at a party at Becky's house.  He has published six or seven books.  I hadn't read anything he had written, so I have been catching up.  I finished his book, "The Oklahomans" which is the story of each Indian tribe, from the time 800 BC, woven in with the western movement of settlers.  It is a two part series--he is working on the second part.  Right now he is struggling on research of the Okla. City bombing.  He is an excellent writer.  Easy to read.

Best of all, he is a Christian and emphasizes the part that Christians had in the history of our country.  I've never heard most of what he covers.  Read it.  You will be amazed at the part those unsung people had in our history. 

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