Monday, May 13, 2019

Today, my publisher is coming to my house to finalize my editing changes.  We worked together for two hours Friday night and got over half way through it.  I can honestly say, "I'm weary of the process."

I never thought it would be so hard.  I don't know what I thought, to tell you the truth.  I guess I thought I would sign the contract, give them the copy, and be done with it.  It doesn't work that way.

My copies are supposed to be in my hands in May.  Who knows if that will happen.  The publisher says they will.  I say they won't.  She's got two weeks.

The hardest part of the Christian life is to put things in the hands of God.  Or at least, it is for me.  I take my problems to the Lord.  I just pick them up again when I get through praying.  That old song, "Take your troubles to the Lord and leave them there," is encouraging, but so very difficult to do.  I have such a hard time letting go of problems.  I want to fix them.  Now.  

Once a problem is in my head, it goes around and around.  I examine, then I re-examine.  Making sure I have thought through every possibility.  "If I do this, then that will happen next."  Or, "If I do that, then this will happen next."  And after I make a choice, then I chase down where that choice will lead.

Especially when you are a "Problem Solver" kind of person.  Which I am.  I have always been a problem solver.  Give me a problem, and I will figure out what is best to do.  And I'm usually dead on.  I'm not smarter than anyone else, I just think in sequence.  If a, then b, and only then can you find c.

Probably why I ended up in the field of mathematics.  You find a starting point and unravel things from there.  You can't get an answer if you don't know where to start. Start with the confidence that there is a creator who knows what to do. 

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