Friday, May 17, 2019

Everyday when I open my Mac, and check my email, there are fifteen to twenty notices I don't want.  Advertisements.  It irritates me no end.  However, it must be profitable or they wouldn't do it.  I never open any of them, but it takes time--that I don't want to give them--to delete them.

I've tried the "unsubscribe" thing. It doesn't work.  I think it just puts your email address out there for ten more people to bug you.  It's like robocalls.  Would someone out there please fix this.  Someone--like the people we elect.  I guess they are too busy with politics to do anything useful.  All those in charge in government want to do, (on both sides), is just argue about things.

I just paid a bill yesterday that I have been arguing over for two years.  I gave up.  Warning:  Medicare will not pay for a tetanus shot.  $149.00.  Why?  No body knows.  To me it was the principle of the thing--not the money.  Something as necessary as a tetanus shot???   They said if I had got the shot at a clinic, that it would have been free?  I doubt that.  I was tired of arguing.  I didn't want to pay it because it would give Medicare the idea that I am willing to give up in the future.  Truth is, I almost am.  It is such a headache. 

Would somebody out there fix our roads?
Would somebody out there mow the grass on the sides of the roads.
Would somebody out there do their job.

Okay.  I'm through ranting.  On a brighter note:  My my wonderful neighbor replaced all my outside light bulbs because they were burned out.  I have so many good things in my life--I need to concentrate on that today.  And I will. 

"Every good and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights--in whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
Today, I am going to remind myself to be thankful for the good.

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