Friday, May 3, 2019

I am no longer young.  I have learned many things through the years.  Not many people care about what I have learned.  In our society, we do not honor nor listen to our elders.  That is a terrible thing to say.  But there, I said it.  

We idolize the famous--who seem to be some of the stupidest people in the world, who die from drug overdoses at an alarming rate, who hop from bed to bed leaving brokenness behind them.  We drop them when they are no longer famous and move on to the next famous person on the horizon.  Fame rules.

We idolize the young and beautiful--when they are the segment of the populace who know the least, make the worst mistakes, and have no other redeeming qualities except youth and beauty.  They grow old and wrinkled and wonder why people abandon them for the next young vibrant candidate who comes along.

I am continually amazed at how many people act out their lives based on their feelings.  Feelings are the great betrayer.  They aren't dependable.  Love is not a feeling.  It is a choice followed by a behavior that is consistent.  It is predicated on doing what is right for another person.  Choosing to do the right thing for someone else so that they can depend on your character.  They know you won't waffle.  If you think love is a feeling, good luck.  The feeling won't last.

Our society is seemingly crumbling.  People don't seem to have a moral base on which to build their lives. Then they wonder why they aren't happy. Happiness is fickle; contentment is what we need.  "In whatever state I am in..." God peace. 

Love is hard work.  You have to put someone else first.  You have to truly care about what is best for them--not what's best for you.  You have to be consistent, dependable, honest and kind.  That doesn't mean you are a doormat.  It's easier if you follow God's guidelines.  He loved us first.  In the condition we were in.  He stayed with it and didn't give up on us.

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