Friday, May 10, 2019

I know that all of you out there like for me to tell stories.  Remembering them is the hard part.  I think of one, and remind myself to write it down, then forget what it was.  I need to jot down a note.  But I don't because I don't have a pen or paper at the moment and am sure I won't forget it.  Then I forget it.

One of my class members is an EMT on an ambulance.  She will work all night, then come to our class on Sunday after not having had any sleep.  That's dedication.  She used her vacation time to go on a mission trip to India for two weeks.  It makes me unsympathetic of excuses people give not to go to church.

You do what you want to do.  There is no better way to learn than to get together with a group where you feel free to ask questions and also feel free to not completely agree with everyone else in the group.  

The class I teach regularly makes me explain what I have said.  "Why do you say that," or "What do you mean," or "Are you sure about that," or "Where is that in the Bible."  I love it.  We discuss, cross reference, and almost always come to agreement.  If not, we think about it and look into it further.

There is a scripture that says, (My version)  "One shall chase a thousand and two shall put ten thousand to flight."  Meaning that we are stronger when we have another person to help us, go with us, agree with what we believe, etc.
It also is strengthened by the verse that says, "Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is..."

We are better together than alone.  We uplift, strengthen, reinforce common values, and make each other stronger with our individual gifts.  If you have a heart to serve the Lord, join a "likewise" group.  If you don't have a heart to serve the Lord, why not? Wake up--give Him your life before it's too late.

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