Monday, May 20, 2019

Squig is really sick.  Of course he got sick on Sunday when the Vet Clinic is closed.  I've been up most of the night with him; and we will be sitting in the parking lot when the clinic opens this morning.

I have an EMT in my Bible class, and she said his symptoms sound like his pancreas is the problem, and that Schnauzers are prone to that.  I talked to Becky last night and she said that her Schnauzer dog Maya had that problem.

He lay in my arms all yesterday afternoon.  It was like holding a baby.  He just wanted to be in my lap--wanting me to fix his problem.  So that's all I got done all the rest of the day and night.  Holding Squig.

Babies and dogs can't tell you what is wrong.  You end up feeling so responsible for their difficulties, but sometimes you have no solution and have to find an expert.  And sometimes they don't know either.  I've raised four children and think I've seen almost everything.  

But a dog is another thing all together.  And I am so attached to him.  He loves me.  He trusts me.  He believes I will take care of his every need.  And I do.  But he has never been sick in the last eleven years of his life, so this is new for me.  This is a first.  I am going to do my best for him.  But in the back of my mind, there is the nagging fear that my best might not be enough.

People will tell you that he is just a dog.  No.  That's not true.  He is my  companion.  He is my friend.  He wants to be where I am.  He is sad when I leave the house without him, and ecstatic when I return.  He is my best friend.

If you don't want your heart broken, don't get a dog.   

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