Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Had lunch at the Red Lobster with my friend Jeanette today.  Delish.  I don't eat out much anymore.  I love to eat out, but I don't like to go alone.  As a matter of fact, I've only done that once.  It's too lonely sitting in a booth by yourself.  I'd just as soon eat peanut butter and jelly at home.  And I don't like peanut butter very much.

I am in a rut.  At least once a day, I eat a chicken sandwich.  I've tried to get away from frying the chicken; I've tried baking--then slicing it.  But it isn't the same.  I usually buy chicken breasts, then slice them thin, bread them, fry them and freeze a dozen or so--then thaw them out one at a time and make a sandwich.  I would use chicken tenders, but I'm too tight to spend the extra money.  Penny wise and pound foolish.

I haven't bought lettuce in months.  I use fresh spinach.  One slice of bread, mayo and sweet pickles.  Salt and vinegar chips.  I'm addicted.  I'm in a rut.  Not that there is anything wrong with eating a chicken sandwich every day, but it keeps a person from exploring other good things to eat.

Do you ever get in a rut like that?  There is something about the comfort and reliability of doing the same thing the same way every time you do it.  It then becomes a habit.  And habits are horribly hard to break.

I have set my mind to saying, "God Bless You," every day--to everyone I meet.  It has become very natural thing for me to say that.  It's a good rut.

But my morning "rut" probably isn't.  I don't do anything until I have finished the newspaper and a cup of hot Darjeeling tea.  And it isn't because I want the news--because it's always one day old by the time I get it.  It's because it is comfortable. Like old house shoes.  I hate change.  But sometimes...well...we need to re-think what we are doing.  Like making sure we set one day aside for God things.  He didn't write, "Remember the Sabbath," for no reason. 

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