Wednesday, May 29, 2019

I've seen some "firsts" in my lifetime, but this "first" is a catastrophe.  Water, water everywhere.  The Arkansas not just over its banks, but spreading over the  land.  People flooded who never dreamed of floods in their neighborhoods.  And didn't insure against them.  This is so sad.  People losing everything.

I am high and dry, but every night when the news comes on, it just gets worse and worse.  Oklahoma has never seen rain like this.  Tornadoes, yes.  This kind of flooding, no.  It will be a long time before we recover from this.

Every homeowner in my area has 100% hail damage on their roofs.  I do.  All my neighbors do as well.  And the roof damage covers dozens of square miles.

Oklahoma seems to be a constant disaster area.  If it isn't one thing, it's another.  Come winter, it will be ice storms that break trees and sleet storms that make the roads treacherous. 

That old saying that Oklahomans repeat has never been more true:  "If you don't like the weather, just wait a minute."

I have a bag packed with critical items to take across the street when the sirens blow, and they have sounded off twice this week already.  All the TV stations are in "Weather mode."  You might as well forget about your favorite show because all you are going to get on TV is the track of the latest tornadoes.  Where they are going to hit, when, and what's coming next.

But I am glad we have such terrific coverage.  It sets your mind at ease when the sky looks ominous.  We've come a long way in weather forecasting.

You have to be tough to live in Oklahoma.  God bless us all.

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