Thursday, March 11, 2021

 I have no idea why so many people never ask were we are.  What is space? Where did space come from?  Why isn’t there “nothing?”  Why do things exist?

If they did, they would come to the conclusion that there is something beyond earth, stars, suns and planets floating around in this think called space.  There is a source.

And if they look for the source, they will ultimately realize there is a creator, a beginner, a first thing.  We call it God.  And this God says, “If you seek me, you will find me.” But most people don’t look.

They just run around buying stuff.  Filling their lives with the stuff they buy.  And stuff doesn’t satisfy, because there is always the newer version, newer model, newer style.  New, new, new.

The only thing that lasts are experiences we have with the ones we love.  Friends and family.  Yesterday, Jeanette and I went to eat out.  What an experience after the last year.  We didn’t have to cook it and someone brought it to us and kept us filled with salad, bread and food.

Becky Bacon and Joe Mike are coming today to stay awhile.  Being around Joe is definitely and experience.  And Becky! My dear friend.

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