Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Wednesday is bean day.  My next door neighbors that moved have kept up with our weekly share a meal.  They live a mile away now, but I still make the cornbread and Linda still makes the fried okra.  We trade off week to week on who makes the beans.

Yesterday, I wrote that I spill things.  Last time I made the beans, I took them to their house and upended them in my car.  Lost all the juice.  What a mess. I’m not transporting juicy beans any more---I can’t be trusted.  They will come and get them when it’s my day to make the beans. 

You just get clumsy as you age--probably because your balance goes south.  You get slow and tottery.  It happens gradually and you don’t notice it so much until one day you realize, “Oh, no!! I’m old.”

I don’t recommend it unless you have a good sense of humor and don’t fall apart every time you drop something, spill something, or misplace something.  It is not unusual to open a drawer and find something strange inside that doesn’t go there.  Or start looking for something that you know you put back in the drawer and find it in the refrigerator.

Some things don’t turn up at all.  Like I said, you have to have a sense of humor.  You need to get ready to laugh at yourself.  It’s coming...

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