Thursday, March 18, 2021

Why would I want to underline, or color, the words “The kingdom of God?”  Because I was curious.  Is it now?  Or is it later?  What is Luke telling us?

Obviously the Kingdom is made up of the citizens of the Kingdom--the children of God--Christians.  Obviously it has a King--King Jesus.  Those points are clear.  But whether it is now----or later, well, that is the question.  I finally arrived at the conclusion that it is both.  

Arguing for it being now, some verses note that the Kingdom will be seen, 9:27. Or is nigh to you, 10:9.  11:20 says it is come upon you.`  And we are told to pray for it, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.”

But it is also referred to as a place we will exist later as well.  After the return of Christ.  It is an interesting phrase to trace in the book of Luke. 

And why does Luke labor on the phrase and the other writers don’t?  Maybe it is because Luke wants everyone to know that it doesn’t matter if you ever saw Jesus, were never an apostle or were not living at the time Christ lived.  You can be a member of the community.  Luke was not an apostle and never met Jesus.  But he knew that he was a citizen of the Kingdom of God. He was included. Jesus, is your ticket to get in the door.  God says, “Come on in.  You are family. Your price is paid.”

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