Tuesday, March 23, 2021

 I know when spring has sprung.  I have a window on the east--a really huge one--that in the winter, doesn’t let the sun shine through in the morning and blind me where I have placed my recliner--until spring.

I don’t move my chair during the winter... but as the days get longer, the sun moves until it clears the edge of the window, and I am blinded every morning.  I could close the blinds, but the cleaning ladies broke them.  So I can’t get away from the sunlight in my face unless I move the chair.

My solution would be to stay in bed until 9:00 and the sun clears the window?  But I wake up every morning really early so....

I’ve ordered new blinds.

There is a price for hiring people when you can’t do your own work any more, and it isn’t just the price  of their salary.  They break things.  But I broke things when I did it myself.

And I am thankful for the help.  Otherwise I would be living in a pig pen--I spill things.  When you get to be my age, you can’t do a lot of things you used to do and have to pay people to do them.  However, I don’t buy clothes--I don’t need them.  I don’t buy things for the house--I’m giving stuff away.  I’m not going anywhere on vacation.  People to help me are my new entertainment.

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