Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Monday, five of my friends and I reviewed part of Hebrews.  We had finished highlighting the words “The Kingdom of God” in the book of Luke, so we picked the next topic.

It’s the word “rest” in Hebrews chapters 3 and 4.  It was an interesting discussion.  Sally, who now lives in Mississippi, joined us.  We did our discussion by phones.  I never knew you could do that until we did our classes that way last year.  I-phones are something else.  I remember using the big wood box phone on the wall that if I recall correctly you had to crank.

I’m not very observant, so I had never noticed the + button.  But then, I wasn’t looking for it.  I do well to text.

Anyway, next week on Monday at 10:30, we will do the word “Angel” in bright pink and circle it like a halo.

I like to use color to remind me of a topic.  We’ll do “Faith” in purple.  It is fun to do something (besides teach) with a group of women.  Gives me a chance to not have to be in charge of something.  

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