Monday, March 8, 2021

The expert in Mosaic Law (wanting to trap Jesus into answering a question incorrectly) asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal life.” Jesus said, “love the Lord and love your neighbor.”  The expert, willing to justify himself, said, “Who is my neighbor”  Two wrong approaches.

Jesus didn’t answer questions, he told stories. And he replied with the story of three men who encountered a person who had been badly beaten and left to die.  A priest, a Levite, and a Samaritan.  The first two were religiously affiliated.  The third was a hated half-breed Jew-Babalonian. The Priest and Levite passed by the wounded man.  

The Samaritan did eleven things. 1. He had compassion. 2. He approached the man. 3. He poured oil and wine on his wounds. 4. He wrapped the wounds. 5. He put him on an animal to transport him. 6. He took him to an inn. 7. He took care of him. 8. He opened his pocketbook. 9. He paid the innkeeper to take care of the man. 10.  He told the innkeeper to spend whatever it took and he would repay him.  11.  He came back.

Jesus asked which of the three men was a good neighbor to the wounded man.   The expert in Mosaic law admitted it was the Samaritan.  He probably gritted his teeth and wished he had never asked the question.  Our neighbors are those we come in contact with.  Have compassion.  

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