Friday, March 19, 2021

My cousin Will, Ann’s son, has been deathly ill.  He had surgery two days ago and they could not wake him up after the anesthetic.  He completely shut down.  They put him on a respirator as they tried to figure it out.

He finally began to breath on his own and spoke a word or two after 48 hours.  They still don’t know what happened or why he was so ill.  It is going to be something rare...that kind of reaction just doesn’t happen.

Everyone in the world was praying for him.  He is still in the ICU and not over it yet, he keeps going in and out of deep sleep.  Please pray for Will.

But the interesting thing is, he said he went to heaven and his grandparents Mimi and Papa, they were there--Ann’s parents.  And  Papa was working a crossword puzzle.  He said that God hugged him and told Will that he loved him.  He told Ann that there were flowers were everywhere and it was really pretty.  “You are going to love it, mama,” he told her.

He was still pretty much out of it when he told her what he saw, but he went on and on about the people who were there that he knew. 

Near death experiences happen all the time my brother (doctor) told me.  They are unique to the person and reassure us that God is waiting for us to come home.  Will said, “I knew I was dying when I was asleep.”

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