Monday, March 22, 2021

Jeanette got interested in “The Kingdom of God” in the book of Luke, so she and Sally and I got on the phone this morning and read through all the parts where that is said.  Jeanette had marked 24 and found 2 more this morning. 

There was one passage I didn’t understand, so Sally is going to dig into that and report back next Monday.  We are going to do other “stand out” words when we finish this--in other books.  

Hebrews has four phrases.  Of course we all remember the “Faith” chapter in Hebrews.  Where it reminds us that all of the old testament people were not saved by keeping the law.  

They were saved exactly like we are: by faith.  They looked forward to the coming of the Messiah.  We look back.  But it was always by the promise of God to send a savior.  A lamb, to be sacrificed for sin.”

Jesus is the Lamb of God.  The King of the “kingdom.”  The bright and morning star.  The light to our path...and on and on.

Jesus is the answer...for the world today.  Beside him is no other, Jesus is the way.  Do you remember that song?

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