Friday, March 5, 2021

Well, they did something to my back...what it was, I don’t know.  I thought it was a one shot procedure.  But no,  there is more.

But at least I can stand up straight today without pain.  Hallelujah.

It’s no wonder the cost of health care has skyrocketed.  There was one surgeon in the operating room and eight other nurses--each doing something different.

I thought computers were going to make everything quicker, simpler, more organized.  They asked me for any changes I had in medications twice, I told them the changes twice and when I checked changes were recorded.  Why ask???

And there were over ten printed pages of check out notes.  I threw eight in the trash immediately because they were useless.  The other two were mostly empty--what a waste of paper and ink. 

I am over the hill.  It’s a fact.  The waste due to government regulations drives me nuts.  They checked my name five times.  They asked me the same things at the check in desk, the entry nurse, the room nurse and one other time. Over and over again. Eventually you would think they would pass the information on. Nope, that’s not what they do.  Redundancy rules. 

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