Wednesday, March 17, 2021

 My friend Jeanette, who is a member of my Sunday class, asked me to help her mark her Bible from the book we are finishing.  Luke.

There isn’t enough time on Sunday to do it right, so we went to Mardel’s and got those pens that don’t bleed through the page and started marking each place where Luke had recorded “The Kingdom of God.”  No other writer makes so many notations of that phrase.

Doing it in yellow was what I had done in the past to remind me of gold, the crown of a king.  I like to remember what the color means--so I do different colors for different things.  I had found the phrase 23 times and she found one I had missed.  See if you can find more in King James?

It’s a good way to remind yourself of special things that are written.  I circled the word “angel” to look like a halo in the first chapters of Hebrews.  In red, because angels are spectacular.  I use green for verses I have memorized because green stands for new growth. 

When a writer repeatedly uses a word in one of the books, I like to be able to see it when I thumb through.  It’s nice to be able to have a scholar in my class who wants to learn more.  It makes teaching a challenge.

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