Friday, March 12, 2021

Yesterday, I said the only things that last are the experiences that we have.  And yesterday, Joe and Becky came for the afternoon and evening and took Jeanette and me to dinner--which was lovely.

The thing I love about seeing Joe are his stories. He has a million.  He and Ken were best friends--and I always hear something I didn’t know.  

Joe told us, “Ken gave me the best advice; he said that if I got into an argument with Becky that I should simply say, “Yes dear, you may be right.  That way you don’t give in and she thinks she won.”

Becky said, “Every time we get into a fight, Joe uses that line and I never really win.”  I told Becky that Ken never said that to me...ever!

Joe got tickled...”You’re kidding me!!  I thought he was serious.”  I told Joe, “No.  Ken never had an argument with me.  He always just let me do whatever I was doing whatever way I wanted to do it.”

Which is true.  He had already fought in two wars and didn’t want to fight another one.  And to be fair, I had run everything at home for years and years.  He had two 13 month tours overseas while we were married and multiple others.  He just turned most things over to me.  Becky said, “Joe, I’m buying a clear glass frameless shower door.  I didn’t hear him answer but I bet he said, “Yes dear, you may be right.”  He told dozens of funny airplane stories as well.  Jeanette and I were throughly entertained.

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