Wednesday, March 10, 2021

When we talk about the expert in Mosaic law that tried to back Jesus into a corner, there are two main points made that we should remember...

The first is that he asked what must “I do.”  And we know from our exploration of Scripture that we can’t do anything to obtain eternal life.  Jesus did it all.  It comes down to our faith in Him.

Some people want to weigh the good they have done to outweigh the bad.  I just doesn’t work that way.  We are guilty.  We did it--no matter what it was.  “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”

And like the Mosaic scholar, we try and justify what we have done.  “I was young.”  Or, “I was running with the wrong  crowd.”  Or, “I came from a family that didn’t teach me what I needed to know.”  And on and on...

The scripture says that “...he, willing to justify himself...”  He asked who his neighbor was.  Evasive question.  Getting around the issue question.  Avoid the problem with his attitude question.

I tell my class that we all meet different people; we all have different encounters with people.  Those are your neighbors.  They aren’t mine.  I have a different group of neighbors.  Those are the ones I am responsible for.  You are responsible for yours.

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