Wednesday, March 3, 2021

 I think the idea of the “branch on the vine” being trimmed off being considered as “You have to get out there and win people to Christ” is an interesting subject to discuss is because...back in 1954, the Baptist churches across America adopted a motto.

The motto was, “A million more in ‘54.”  They printed up tracts and members went door to door trying to tell people about Jesus.  Not that there is anything wrong with that, but the chance of someone you don’t know listening to you is slim.  Baptists reached their goal--as I remember.  But that growth spurt didn’t stick.

The way we reach people is better done by living the life in front of the world, making friends, and having discussions about our faith with people we meet or know when we get an opportunity.

I’m not saying I’m against door knocking, but better to do it with an invitation to dinner or a Bible study at someone’s home where you can get to know each other.

Either way, be bold.  I’ve always said, “Make a fool of yourself for Jesus.  What do you have to lose!”  And think about what might be gained by someone you tell.

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