Friday, September 17, 2021

Ann has started picking me up at 7:30 on Fridays for breakfast.  We use to start at 8, but have met people at Jimmy’s Egg restaurant that are fun to visit with and we sit and visit longer.  And the waitress, Julie, is the sweetest person.  She calls us by name, remembers what we want to eat and makes the morning pleasant. 

I’m not a breakfast kinda’ person.  Dry raisin bran without any milk is about as exciting as I get--unless I have left over pizza.  I eat pizza for breakfast a lot.  When I go to Hideaway Pizza hut, I always order an extra and freeze the slices.

Squig is going to have to have his teeth cleaned and a couple of teeth removed.  Price:  $450.  Ridiculous. he worth it?  He is priceless to me.  I dread having him anesthetized.  But the infection isn’t going away and waiting will just make it worse.

My class is having a pot-luck tomorrow.  Two people are coming who are new.  I hope they like us!!


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