Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Squig is going to get his yearly exam and shots today.  I’ll probably spend all afternoon holding him in my lap.  He has a special squeak for when he wants a full body massage and “squeaks” that he wants a rub down at least once a day.  I understand the phrase, “It’s a dog’s life.”

I pulled up the entire garden yesterday and took tomatoes to my neighbors.  They were pretty pitiful, but it’s better than no tomatoes at all.

I called the newspaper this morning and for the first time was able to get a live human.  My paper hasn’t come for three days this week.  I think I am the only person on the block that takes the paper and I do--for the crossword and puzzles.  Yes, I could buy a book at the bookstore, but then all I would do all day would be solve puzzles.  I need one a day.  I have no ability to stop if I have a whole book...?

And to read whatever idiotic, crazy, nutty question is posed to Dear Abby.  The world is full of idiots--I must be one of them to read what she writes.  But it is always so absurd that it is like a magnet.  I can’t believe these people really exist.  I am preparing myself for possible interaction with one of them someday.

I’m going to tackle the front flowerbed today.  Preparing for fall.  My spider lilies are blooming--bright red.  God is still in control.

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