Thursday, September 9, 2021

Becky brought me a Kurig coffee maker yesterday for my Sunday Bible class.  The women were having to walk a really long way to get coffee on Sunday mornings and some of them have a hard time doing that.  Their ages range from 50 to 97! 

I have almost finished cleaning out the closet in the spare bedroom.  Tomorrow, I am going through all of the things that Ken left.  Books, papers, etc.  It’s time.  Anything I don’t know what to do with, I’ll put in one of those under bed plastic containers on wheels.  Maybe someone else will know what to do. They named the Pryor, Mayes county American Legion after Ken.  Maybe they would want it.

I found a million letters he wrote me.  He was gone on two 13 month deployments and wrote almost every day.  And some other three month deployments as well.  That would be 365+30+365+30+90 +++.  He was really good to write.  I did too, but he didn’t have a way to keep the letters I wrote.  They are gone.

I want to read them again someday...but probably never will.  The ones from the Vietnam war should be interesting historically.  He wrote about the air strikes he ran, and everything else imaginable.

I am going to have two completely empty bedrooms when I get through with this clean out.  It feels like I am on a diet and have lost 100 pounds.

It is amazing what we keep.  All of the Christmas stuff is going out except one little tree.  I can’t manage decorating anymore.  It’s actually a relief.

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