Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Something came over me yesterday!  I got up with “intent.”  I decided to empty (I do mean empty) out a closet in one of the bedrooms where I had stacked everything I didn’t want to deal with when I moved in this house.

It wasn’t as bad as it could have been because I had labeled the containers and had used those plastic pull out drawer kinda boxes.  

But before you can do a job like that, you have to rearrange where you are going to put stuff you want to keep.  So I started with the closet in the master bedroom that has two twelve foot shelves near the ceiling and a bunch of four foot, and two foot shelves at either end.  It is a huge closet and I had just been tossing stuff up there I didn’t know what to do with.

I threw stuff out.  Repurposed purses and shoes I never wear to Goodwill and took clothes there as well.  Once the shelves were empty, I reevaluated the things I was removing from the other bedroom and started a Godzilla transfer of what was worth keeping.

I bet you have a job like that you need to do--that you have put off for years as well.  If you do it, you will end up so sore the next day you won’t be able to get out of bed.  I hurt in places I didn’t know existed.  But.....I’m going to keep at it today and work my kinks out or die trying.

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