Wednesday, September 22, 2021

I found six sets of lamp-shades on the top shelf of the closet I have cleaned out.  Twelve shades.  Why do I have those!  Who needs spare lamp shades.  It is odd what I kept through all my moves.  Strange.

But that room is now empty.  The chest of drawers is empty.  The bed has  a Christmas wreath under it.  And the closet is bare.  If anyone wants to move in, I have a room for you.  I can put the wreath under a different bed in another room.

I found batting for quilts and fabric that I will never use--out it goes.  It feels like I have lost weight.  Becky brought me a sewing machine that I will never use.  When I need to sew something, I go across the street to Jeanine’s house.  She has everything set up and threaded.  I don’t know how to use the machine Becky brought me anyway.  It’s too fancy.

It has to many options.  All I need is straight, zigzag, backstitch and length adjustment.  I can't tell you how many formal drapes I made for my 27 moves.  Or how many dresses for the girls...but never again.  I was an expert at one time.  Now I am a happy has-been.  No more sewing.

And it’s almost that bad on the cooking front.  Every now and then I make stew with lots of veggies.  Or fry an egg.  My sewing and cooking days are almost completely over.  Hallelujah!  

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