Tuesday, September 28, 2021

I figure I’ll get some flack from someone over yesterday’s post---but I just decided it was worth it if it guides someone to some truth about doctrine that is anti-Bible.

I am surprised at how many people don’t read their Bibles.  It is the most published book in the world and people fail to read it.  Get a simple translation.  Read the Living Bible.  Don’t try to decipher King James.  Read a modern transliteration rather than a translation.

A transliteration doesn’t try to translate word for word, it gives it phrase by phrase in modern language.

It is better to read something you understand than plow through something you don’t understand.

I was raised on King James...but when I want to get the meaning of a passage cleared in my mind, I go to the Living Bible.

Just read it!!  You can’t stand up to people who give you false doctrine if you don’t know what the truth is.  And actually know what you believe and why you believe it.  Your source is scripture, not preachers, TV evangelists and false doctrine.  Trust the eye witnesses who knew Jesus.

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